KS1 - Literacy - Where My Wellies Take Me (1)
Learning Objective - KS1 Literacy
To develop pleasure in reading by listening to, discussing and expressing views about a wide range of poetry (From English National Curriculum: KS1)
Where My Wellies Take Me by Clare and Michael Morpurgo
Sketchbook (or similar) for each child
Colouring pencils
Photocopied poems from Where My Wellies Take Me
Introduce Where My Wellies Take Me
Explain the background to the poetry collection and how the writers loved growing up in the countryside, and loved learning poems
Tell the children that just like ‘Pippa’, the children are going to take a walk through the countryside and see what they can see!
Lead children on a walk through the countryside (or other outside area) and ask children to point out anything that interests them, or anything that reminds them of one of the poems in the anthology e.g. a butterfly or ladybird as in Christina Rossetti’s poem Hurt No Living Thing
Give each child a sketchbook and photocopies of poems
Ask them to stick poems into scrapbook as in Where My Wellies Take Me
Ask children to read the poems carefully and think about the best way to illustrate them
Children then need to illustrate poems by drawing or sticking in any natural found items that are appropriate.
Children need to share their decisions about how they placed their poems in their sketchbooks and how they chose to illustrate them.