10 Things to Spot on your Spring Walks
Now that spring is upon us, it’s a perfect time to get outside and explore all that the British countryside has to offer. From the distinctive smell of wild garlic to the sight of the vibrant yellow daffodils swaying in the breeze, there’s plenty to signal that spring has sprung.
We’ve put together a list with some things you may spot on your next spring walk with the family. You could always turn this into a scavenger hunt list for your little explorers and ask them to tick the things off, if and when they find them. If you don’t spot everything on one day, roll this over to your next walk.
1) Daffodils
Look out for the bright yellow flowers which adorn our roadsides, gardens and countryside. They brighten up the rainiest of days and are a true sign that spring has arrived.
2) Snowdrops
Nothing indicates the end of winter quite like a snowdrop. The pollen and nectar from snowdrops is an early spring feast for many bees, who you may also start to spot out and about.
3) Wild garlic
You’ll likely smell it before you see it. It can usually be found in woodland or on a riverbank. Look for the dark green foliage and delicate white flowers.
4) Crocuses
These are one of the first bulbs to flower in the new year and come in a variety of colours, appearing among grassy leaves in late winter to mid-spring.
5) Ladybirds
Did you know, there are about 5,000 different species of ladybirds in the world? The most familiar one that you are likely to spot is the seven-spot ladybird, which has a shiny, red-and-black body.
6) Bullfinch
You may be lucky enough to spot one of these shy birds on your next outing or even in the garden. Look out for the male’s bright pinkish-red breast.
7) Bumblebees
Did you know, there are 24 species of bumblebee in the UK? The four most common are the tree bumblebee, red-tailed bumblebee, white-tailed bumblebee and the common carder bee. After a winter hidden away underground, queen bees are now starting to appear, building their colonies for a new year.
8) Red squirrels
Have you ever seen a red squirrel? Now is the perfect time. You can spot these little fluffy creatures all year round, but they are the most active and step outdoors at the beginning of spring.
9) Frog spawn
If you live near a pond or are lucky enough to have one in your garden, you may notice some jelly-like spawn. In spring, frogs and toads emerge and begin to spawn following hibernation. Frog spawn appears in large balls or clumps, whereas toad spawn is found in long chains attached to plants and weeds.