8 Ways to Celebrate the First Day of Spring
Spring has arrived and the days are getting longer and warmer (hooray!) However, we recommend to always have a waterproof jacket handy for those unexpected downpours.
Here at Muddy HQ, we believe that playing and learning outdoors is the key to keeping children happy and healthy. We've put together some fun spring activities for your children to celebrate the new season with. Remember even a short walk or as little as 30 minutes of outdoor time a day can boost your family's wellbeing and make you feel better.
1) Fly a kite
A windy spring day is a great time to climb a hill and fly a kite. Flying a kite is an exhilarating feeling as you watch it take to the sky in a whoosh, and control it as it dives through the air. If you don't have a kite, you can buy a kite for your explorers or, even better, make one together – instructions here.
2) Bring Spring into your home
Why not head out and pick a lovely bouquet of flowers with the children from your garden and arrange it where everyone can enjoy it for an extra Spring touch. Alternatively you can buy some seasonal flowers from the local market. After all, nothing brightens up a day like fresh, colourful flowers.
3) Jump in muddy puddles
We like nothing better than a good stomp in some puddles and it's a perfect way for children to burn off some energy on the first days (and weeks) of spring. Find a puddle in your garden or during a walk in your local area. A trusty pair of wellies and a puddle is everything your children need to have fun.
4) Have a picnic in the garden
Nothing tastes better than a meal outside on the first day of Spring! Pack up a lunch (e.g. sandwiches, a salad in a jar, some yummy treats) and a picnic blanket and head outdoors. No explorer can make great discoveries on an empty stomach!
5) Go on a Spring walk
Get outside and celebrate Spring with your family. Connect with nature – observe the new life around you, take a close look at the blossoming flowers and see if your children can name them e.g. cherry blossom, daffodils and snowdrops. Read our article on what you can look out for this season in the way of wildlife and flowers and every day, there is something new in nature to discover so your little ones will never be bored.
6) Plant seeds
Spring marks the arrival of growing season. It’s the perfect time to plant seeds with your children. If it’s still chilly outside, you can start by growing the seeds indoors. We recommend mint, chives, rosemary or basil. Simply put the seeds into a pot filled with some peat-free compost and place the pots in a cosy spot near the window to give them some sun. Ask your little gardeners to check on the plants every day and water when needed. We’re sure they will have lots of fun and enjoy tasting them when it's time too!
7) Watch birds
Did you know that more than 500 species of birds have been seen in the UK? Spring is the perfect time to watch birds. Find a quiet spot to settle in your garden and watch birds with children. A pair of binoculars will make this activity even more fun. This useful guide from RSPB is handy when trying to identify which of our feathered friends you have seen. Be careful not to frighten the birds away as they are easily disturbed.
8) Organise a Spring scavenger hunt
Add a bit of a challenge to your family walk. List 5 – 10 first signs of Spring that you can spot in your local park or in your own garden and send your children off to search. You could also set a time limit to make the hunt even more competitive!