How To Teach Your Child To Ride A Bike
The saying goes that once you learn how to ride a bike, you never forget. We asked our friends at Bike Club to share their top tips on teaching your child how to ride a bike. It's never too late to learn and once children are confident in the saddle, it opens up a whole new world of adventures.
At Bike Club we believe kids deserve to be given the best chance to fall in love with being active outdoors, and that one of the best ways to give them that is through the joy and freedom of cycling. We want to make it as easy as possible for Parents to give their kids the best cycling experience by making sure they have access to lightweight, quality bikes that are the right size all the time. That’s why we created the UK’s first subscription kids bike service, where parents can exchange as their child grows.
Read on to find out our top tips for teaching your child to ride.
1) Size Matters
It can be really tempting to get a bike that your child will ‘grow into’ but this is never a good idea. If the bike is the wrong size, then it will be very difficult for your child to learn to balance properly, and they won’t be able to control or stop the bike easily. Having the right sized bike will help them quickly build confidence. Use our interactive bike finder to find your perfect size.
2) Keep it Light
As important as size is the weight of the bike. Just imagine how hard it would be to ride a bike that was half your bodyweight! Lightweight bikes will be much easier for kids to control when they’re first learning, and let’s face it they will be much easier for you to carry when you’re inevitably left in charge of getting everyone home.
3) Quality Counts
Good quality kids’ bikes will be designed with smaller riders specifically in mind. That means smaller brake levers for little hands, and things like pedals that are set closer into the frame where a young riders’ feet will more naturally sit. Which all adds up to a much more enjoyable experience.
4) It’s All About Balance
Despite stabilisers being the norm for most of our lives there is in fact a much better way; balance bikes are the perfect option for kids to learn the basics of balance and control before having to also contend with pedals. You’ll be astonished how quickly kids who’ve started on a balance bike can pick up pedalling. Bonus Tip: If your child isn’t showing much interest in their balance bike then don’t worry, leave it somewhere that it’s visible and let them become comfortable with exploring it in their own time. This process is generally much sped up by older siblings or friends who are already riding around.