KS1 – Geography – April Maps

KS1 – Geography – April Maps

Download Our Key Stage 1 – Geography – April Maps Worksheet Here

Learning Objectives

To devise a simple map and use simple compass directions


- Compasses

- Colouring pencils

- Plain paper - Clipboards

- Rocks and stones

- Examples of simple maps with basic physical and human features e.g. map of a zoo or tourist attraction, local map, map of school


- Put children into pairs or small groups – ask children to tell you what they notice about the compass as they walk around the forest

- Introduce children to directional language of north, south, east and west

- Using the compasses, ask children to work out where north, south, east and west are


- Show children examples of maps - Ask children what they would include on a map of the forest area e.g. picnic bench, trees, path - Give each child a clipboard with plain paper attached and colouring pencils. - Ask children to draw a map of the forest area. Ask children to include a picture of a compass showing north, south, east and west.

Extension Task

- Ask children to share their work with each other

- Ask: Why are maps useful? Where have they seen maps before?

- Which direction is home? E.g. N, S, E or W

- Children could look at compass on way back to school to track the changes in direction

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