KS1 – Quick & Easy Tree Quiz
Download Our Key Stage 1 – Quick & Easy Tree Quiz Worksheet Here
Plants, deciduous and evergreen trees, and their growth in seasons. A quick quiz to test your young bright minds on their tree knowledge.1. What grows from the buds in the spring? a) New leaves b) Old leaves c) Roots d) Nuts
2. Some trees keep their leaves all winter. These trees are called _________. a) Evergreen b) Deciduous c) Wintery d) Seasonal
3. When do trees grow most quickly? a) Winter b) Spring c) Summer d) Autumn
4. What sort of tree is an oak tree? a) Evergreen b) Deciduous c) Conifer d) Bush
5. As trees grow, their trunks get wider. Tree trunks are covered in _________. a) Metal b) Glass c) Bark d) Stone
6. Above is a picture of a holly tree in January. What type of tree is a holly tree? a) Evergreen b) Deciduous c) Cactus d) Thorn
7. Some trees have no leaves in winter. These trees are called _________. a) Evergreen b) Deciduous c) Wintery d) Seasonal
8. When does the oak tree grow new leaves? a) Winter b) Spring c) Summer d) Autumn
9. When does the oak tree drop its leaves? a) Winter b) Spring c) Summer d) Autumn
10. Trees are plants. Just like other plants, which part of the tree catches the sunlight? a) Leaves b) Roots c) Branches d) Twigs