KS2 Maths - Miles, Metres and More!
Learning Objective:
Convert between miles and kilometres
Fitness or distance trackers
Printed maps of area
Come together on the playground and explain to the group that to convert a mile into a kilometre, the number of miles needs to be multiplied by 1.6. (which, completely coincidentally, turns out to be close to the value of the golden ratio that comes from the Fibonacci sequence) Then use the chalk on a wall or playground floor, to revise how to multiply with decimal points, by demonstrating a few examples, using multiples of 1.6.
Divide the children outside in two or three groups. Give each group a fitness or distance tracker and help the children to set the tracker correctly to track distance. Each group needs to mark their starting position, and then ask them to walk around the outside space, (preferably use an area that is relatively flat and easy to walk) and one group should use the tracker to mark 1 mile, and one group should use the tracker to mark 1 kilometre. When this is done, ask the children to get into pairs and give each pair some paper and pencils. Call out some miles that you would like the children to convert to kilometres and support them with the multiplication where needed.
Go on a walk of the local area, using the maps, mark your starting and ending position on the maps. Use the trackers to mark a mile on the map, and then walk a mile back. When you have returned, ask the children to convert the miles into kilometres, then explain how to convert kilometres into miles (multiply by 0.6) Use the mile marked on your school grounds to initiate a ‘Daily Mile’ for your school!