5 Things We Love About The Rain

5 Things We Love About The Rain

Britain is known for its unpredictable weather and you never know when you might be caught out in a sudden rain shower. Here at Muddy Puddles, we love any excuse to get kitted up and head outdoors for some fun whatever the weather, but especially the rain!

Some people may feel like the rain is a reason to stay inside but we believe there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad kit! Here are just five of the reasons why we love the rain:

1) The sound it makes

There’s nothing more satisfying about being wrapped up warm, listening to the pitter patter sound around you. The sound of the rain hitting windows and roofs can create such a pleasant and peaceful environment. The sound acts as natural white noise which helps your mind to relax and can even help you sleep better. With a good reliable pair of wellies, a waterproof jacket or an all-in-one puddlesuit, there’s no need to stay inside during the day when you can be completely protected from the elements and enjoy the rain!

2) Puddles, puddles, puddles!

What could be better than a great big puddle to stomp in?! The rain can quickly turn the outdoors into a giant playground with puddles to jump over and splash in. From the words of Winnie the Pooh, “When life throws you a rainy day, play in the puddles!” Why not see who can spot the biggest puddle and then ready… steady… JUMP!

3) No need for watering

One downpour can quickly breathe life back into the garden and it’s great to know that Mother Nature is taking care of watering the garden for you. Rainwater is also an amazing free resource which you can collect in buckets or barrels and use to water your houseplants, garden or allotment. The naturally soft water, free from chemicals such as chlorine will be great for your plants.

4) The freshness it brings with it

There’s no denying that pleasant, fresh scent of rain which comes more intensely after a dry spell. The name for this smell is petrichor and was coined by Australian chemists Isabel Bear and R.G. Thomas who studied its components in the 1960s. The air undoubtedly feels fresher after a rain shower and we have it to thank for removing some of the pollution particles which build up from traffic and industrial activities.

5) Rainbows

Rainbows usually appear on rainy days and who doesn’t delight in seeing a bright, colourful rainbow in the sky above. What better way to get your little explorers outside on a journey to find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!
Bring on the rain! ☔
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