EYFS – Art/Maths – Very Hungry Caterpillar
Download Our EYFS – Art/Maths – The Very Hungry Caterpillar Worksheet Here
Learning Objectives
- To count reliably with numbers from 1-20
- To safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniquesResources
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
- Stones or rocks
- Sharpie pens (a good selection of colours but lots of greens and reds)Introduction
- Read The Very Hungry Caterpillar story once and then look at various pages and use the images in the book as a counting stimulus depending on level of the children e.g.– ask:
- How many strawberries did he eat on Thursday?
- How many pieces of fruit did he eat altogether on Monday and Tuesday?
- How many circles is the caterpillar’s body made out of?
-Explain to children that they are going to create images from the book using stones.
-Ask children to collect lots of stones. They need to make the caterpillar first. This will require about 10 stones depending on their size. Encourage them to find similar sized stones. They need to colour one in red (for the face leaving space for the yellow eyes if possible). They then need to colour the rest of their stones in green for the body, and arrange them in a caterpillar shape.