Follow the Star - KS1 Numeracy
Learning Objective - KS1 Numeracy
Calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division within the multiplication tables and write them using the multiplication (×) and equals (=) signs
Paper, pencils, a treat for each group. Have plenty of collections of natural materials to hand, such as pine cones, sticks and stones.
10 Pre-prepared star shapes with multiplication problems on such as:
2 x 2 = ?
10 x 10 = ?
25 = 5 x ?
50 = 5 x ?
These problems need to be hung all over the outside area, where children can reach them. Have the first star near to where you will gather as a class.
Sitting together outside as a group, call out simple multiplication problems for 2, 5 and 10 times tables, getting faster as you go. Then start but calling out backwards multiplication problems such as 30 = 10 x? and allowing the children time to revisit their multiplication knowledge.
Divide the class in to three or four groups. Each group needs to find all ten of the stars, and record their answers on their paper. If needed, have a teaching assistant go with the group.
Whilst the first group is ‘following the star’, ask the remaining groups to create arrays of 2, 5,10s using the natural materials, and if time, ask them to answer multiplication problems you call out using their arrays.
Each group needs to have completed the ‘Follow a Star’ trail, and when they have, compare results and answers.
Offer each group 2/3 blank stars and ask them to write down problems of their own, to hang around the school grounds.
As a class, take the children’s trail, and answer the problems together. Challenge – can they also include a division problem?