Giving Nature a Home by the RSPB

Giving Nature a Home by the RSPB

Muddy Puddles and the RSPB are both working to get more kids outdoors, and at the RSPB we’re specifically interested in getting kids interested in the UK’s wildlife. I’ll kick off with some statistics...  Firstly, 60% of the UKs wildlife has declined in the last 50 years, that means nature isn’t doing so well here in England. (State of Nature Report). Secondly, 54% of urban England is green space and lots of this space comes in the form of our own gardens.  The RSPB’s campaign, Giving Nature a Home is a way that we can make use of our personal patches of green space to make much needed habitat for struggling wildlife. It’s all about making homes for nature wherever you live, on whatever scale. It doesn’t matter how big or small. If you live in a flat, you might hang a bird feeder by the window, if you own a field you might turn it into a wildflower meadow. For ideas tailored to you, go to our website, put in your postcode and a few details about your garden and create a tailored garden plan to help you give nature a home were you live. Thousands of people have already signed up and you can see them on our map. Within the dozens of ideas we’ve gathered from our expert wildlife gardener are a batch that are especially good for kids (tick the ‘Ideal for families box’ when creating your plan). Through making these homes for nature and watching wildlife move in we want kids (and their parents) to feel empowered to help wildlife flourish and get to know their garden creatures a little better!
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