5 Simple Tips for a Greener Back-to-School

5 Simple Tips for a Greener Back-to-School

The Easter holidays are upon us! We asked our friends at Grow to share their top tips for a greener back to school, ahead of the new summer term.

Grow are founded on a simple mission to make things better. They produce shoes that are ethical and sustainable while fund-raising for schools. Did you know, 10% from the purchase of each pair of Grow shoes is donated to your child's school? All shoes are made in Europe to reduce their carbon footprint and the shoes are lightweight, yet tough and easy to clean, with great cushioning and materials that provide a better bio-chemical environment for the foot.

Why not lighten your footprint with these 5 simple tips for a greener back-to-school:

1) Uniform

Children grow so fast! It’s worth checking whether your school has a second-hand uniform shop before buying new. Re-use any outgrown items by passing on to friends, family or donating to your school. More planet friendly, cheaper, and can be a great PTA fundraiser!

2) Lunchtime

A simple way to go greener is to pack a waste-free school lunch. Instead of individually wrapped snacks, which involve a lot of packaging, try baking or buying in bulk and use washable snack pouches. If you’re keen to explore plastic free lunch boxes, there are some nice alternatives made from bamboo or stainless steel available. Clingfilm can be swapped for beeswax or reusable cotton wraps for sandwiches. It goes without saying that disposable bottled water and juices aren’t great, but nowadays we’re all pretty good at using refillable bottles!

3) Equipment

It’s worth remembering the ‘3 Green Rs’ – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, before stocking up on new pencil cases, stationery and notebooks. Have a check around the house, in backpacks, drawers and pen pots for what you already own. If there are still some gaps in your school supplies, think about opting for brands that use minimal packaging and are made from recycled materials.

4) The school run

How you get to school is just as important as what you use there. If possible, walking or cycling to school is not only better for the environment but also great for increasing your time outdoors and being more active. If your school is too far away, think about lift shares. This way you can reduce both carbon emissions and fuel costs whilst catching up with friends on your journey!

5) Keep talking

Chatting about our planet’s oceans, forests and animals, and sharing how your choices are keeping them happy, can make for great conversations and help build healthy sustainable habits for life.

Grow are offering a 15% discount off all shoes until 24th April 2022 with discount code MUDDY15.

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