Tips For Playing in the Rain with Thimble & Twig
When you have a rainy day – it’s a great day to get outside! Jemma from Thimble and Twig has lots of ideas to help you get outdoors and have some fun in the rain!
Kids love playing outside in the rain and as long as they have the right wet weather gear, they’ll have great fun sploshing and splashing in puddles!
We all know that British weather is very unpredictable, sudden downpours can happen at any time but this doesn’t have to ruin your day – playing outside can be fun in any weather! You can be prepared for drizzle, gusts and downpours with Muddy Puddles protective waterproofs. Their brilliant jackets and wellies are designed to keep your kids dry and comfortable and allow them to keep playing outside all day long.
Our Top 5 favourite Rainy Day Activities
1) Build a Shelter
A fun outdoor activity for kids to do in the rain is to challenge them to build a shelter to keep themselves dry from the rain. This outdoor activity works best in a woodland or forest – you can make it more or less challenging by giving the kids nothing to build a shelter with apart from what they can find in the woods! Or, to make it easier you can allow them to use a tarp or twine or tent material. Here’s how to build a den in the woods.
2) Make a rain gauge
Use an old water bottle to make a rain gauge and see how much rain we’re really having over the summer! Cut off the top of the water bottle but place it upside down in the top for the rain to filter back through. Take a piece of duct tape and cut off a piece the same length as the straight side of the bottle.
Using a ruler and a permanent marker, make a copy of the ruler indicating each cm. And there you have it! Your very own rain gauge. Keep a diary charting your rain fall and compare it with a friend or family member that lives elsewhere!
3) Go on a Bug Hunt
Take a magnifying glass and go on a bug hunt! Worms, slugs and other insects are much easier to find after rain! Remember to search under logs as dark damp spots under rocks and logs are particularly good hunting grounds for things like worms, woodlice and spiders.
4) Make a Nature Boat
Use nature items such as twigs, leaves and moss to make a nature boat and sail it down the river. Find out how to make a nature boat here. See who’s boat capsizes first!
5) Make a Nature Band
If you have really heavy rain, take lots of pots and pans out into the rain and listen to the sounds they make! You could also try covering some plastic pots with tin foil or baking paper with an elastic band – for some different tones!
Hope this has given you an excuse to get outside and play in the rain! Here’s some more rainy outdoor activities for you to try.