KS2 – English – Richard Long

KS2 – English – Richard Long

Download our Key Stage 2 – English – Richard Long Worksheet Here

Learning Objectives

- To plan writing by using other similar writing as models

- To perform their own compositions

- To select appropriate vocabulary


- Image of Human Nature Walk by Richard Long found at: http://www.richardlong.org/Textworks/2012textworks/ human_nature.html

- Examples of other Richard Long works (www.richardlong. org)

- Paper, pencils and clipboards


- Introduce the children to the work of Richard Long.

- Explain that he is a ‘land artist’ – many of his works are based around walks that he has made.

- Introduce the children to the concept of ‘walking as art’ and how an artwork/poem can conjure up the outside.

- Show children a variety of examples of his work, but focus on Human Nature Walk which is a text piece. It is made up of words which describes what he saw on a walk.


In partners or groups depending on the size of the class, children to walk around and list:

1. Objects that they see (eg. brown bird, green leaf, ladybird)

2. Sounds that they hear (eg. squelch, shout, cuckoo)

3. Physical movements that they make or see (eg. fly, run, tiptoe)

Extension task

- Children to read out their words like they are performing a poem - Tell children that they are going to put write these words around a circle back in the classroom, and they will act as a memory of their walk outside.
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