10 Outdoor Activities For May Half-Term

10 Outdoor Activities For May Half-Term

May half-term is here and there is plenty to do outdoors with your children!

Now is the time to plan some outdoor fun and we’re sure lots of parents out there are looking for fun activities to occupy their young adventurers.

Here’s our list of the top 10 things to do this May half-term.

1) Go camping

Sleeping under the stars is always on our summer bucket list – you will have fun and make fantastic memories (have a look at our favourite family-friendly campsites). If going camping is too much of a hassle, pitch a tent in your back garden and pretend you’re on an outdoor adventure! Remember to bring waterproofs and wellies to keep everyone happy and dry.

2) Join a National Trust event

The National Trust have organised plenty of family-friendly outdoor events for the May half-term at their sites across the UK. Wherever you are, you’ll find an event near you to enjoy. Why not become a bee detective, discover nature by torchlight, or try family canoeing?

3) Visit a farm

Take a trip to a nearby farm for a fun day out with the children. There’s a whole host of activities available at various farms across the UK throughout the half-term to take part in. Your little ones can become young farmers for the day and learn about all the work it takes to keep the yard running and all the animals at the farm happy.

4) Paint some pebbles

Pebble painting is a fun activity that people have been enjoying for hundreds of years! This creative activity can keep your little ones entertained on a rainy day. Collect some pebbles (look for smooth rounded stones with a good surface to decorate), give them a quick wash and get creative with your paints (bright acrylic paints work well). When you are finished decorating your stone, varnish with a few coats of PVA glue to seal the design. To turn your pebbles into characters (monsters or bugs), stick some fun googly eyes on them.

5) Try gardening

Nothing is more relaxing than some gardening when it’s sunny outside. It’s a great way to teach your children about nature and encourage them to spend more time outdoors. If you have a chance, try gardening and let your explorers dig in muddy soil this half-term. If you live in the city and don't have access to your own garden, there are lots of brilliant community gardens for children to get involved with.

6) Enjoy a family picnic

What’s better than a family picnic on a sunny day? Enjoying a meal outdoors is super fun and we’re sure your children will love it! Ask them for help with preparing sandwiches or salads, pack your picnic basket and head to the nearest park.

7) Go stargazing

Let your children stay up late one evening and see how many stars they can find and name. If you’re not quite up to speed on the constellations yourself, you can download a map of all the stars to make your stargazing evening even more fun!

8) Play garden games

Everyone loves outdoor games and they’re great for entertaining the little ones even if you have nothing exciting planned for this half-term. All you need is a team of keen players and your back garden. Have a look at our favourite garden games to play with your children. 

9) Forest bathing

If you’re looking for a relaxing family activity, why not try forest bathing? The idea is simple – head to the nearest forest and just be in nature, breath, relax and enjoy it. We recommend downloading these brilliant forest bathing activity sheets from the Forestry Commission to enjoy the experience to the fullest.

10) Organise Family Olympics

Put together a few fun “events” such as races, an obstacle course or beanbag throwing and get the whole family involved! See who can throw a beanbag or a ball the furthest or who is the fastest runner. Hold a medal ceremony at the end and spend a fun day outdoors with your loved ones.

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