Nature Inspired Craft Activities

Nature Inspired Craft Activities

As the summer holidays come to an end we hope you have had fun on staycations, trips further afield and juggling childcare! As we come into the last weeks of the summer holidays, we asked Earth Cubs to share some of their top craft activities to keep your little explorers entertained for the remainder of the holidays and beyond.

What better way to connect with nature than being out in it? Check out some of these top craft activities inspired by nature!

1) Cook up a rainforest cake

This isn’t any old cake, it’s a rainforest cake! Get messy and find out more about the layers of the rainforest. 
  1. Find an empty jar
  2. Gather 4 pots worth of natural ingredients including soil, grass, leaves and sticks
  3. Add them to the jar in order
  4. Your rainforest habitat is ready!

2) A nature crown fit for a King or Queen

Get out in nature and find all the materials to make your very own nature crown! What will yours look like?!
  1. Gather bendy sticks, fallen flowers and long grass
  2. Make a circle shape with your sticks and tape it together
  3. Wrap grass around the twigs and push flowers into position
  4. Now become a King or Queen!

3) A car of the future

Step aside Elon Musk. Why not make use of all those delivery boxes. Design and make your own car of the future! 
  1. Use paper to design your car of the future
  2. Start building using recycled materials and old boxes
  3. Add driver controls like a steering wheel
  4. Decorate your car and get ready to drive off!
We’d love to see your creations this summer! Tag us on social @earthcubs There are only so many i-spy’s you can play on one car journey. Earth Cubs has an awesome guilt-free, teacher approved free app to entertain your little ones. Let Antonio the Anteater show them around the rainforest and teach them about maths and phonics. Or Nigel the Nervous Narwhal and his friends showing you around the freezing Arctic! The app is intended to entertain and educate, bringing the environment and sustainability together and teaching your kids lots of fun facts!
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