Preparing For Your First Family Festival
Attending a music festival is fun, but can take a lot of preparation: you need to think about which festival is going to be the best for your family, how you're going to get there, where you're going to stay...the list goes on!
We're here to help! We've rounded up a few useful tips so your first family festival is a success.
1) Choose the family festival that suits you best
This summer, a whole host of family festivals will be held across the UK, and they'll have their own themes and focuses. So, if you want to ensure you have the best time, it's not enough to just choose the festival that's happening closest to you — instead, be open to travelling further afield to a festival that will suit your family's interests. For example, Starry Skies festival, which will be hosted on a working farm in Wales, has a more relaxed feel and is the perfect choice if you enjoy arts and crafts. You'll see kids canoeing, exploring plants and the natural world, and dancing to the bands that are set to play. It would make a great choice if you really want to let loose with your children for the weekend. Valley Fest is a brilliant organic festival, and will take place on a working organic farm in Somerset. Your kids will be encouraged to run wild, which means they'll find that it's a lot of fun. But, they'll also be able to learn about looking after the land and where food comes from, so it's educational too.
2) Work out how you're going to get there well in advance
If you've ever tried to make a long-distance car journey with your little ones in tow, you'll know that it's never easy. There are so many extra things you need to consider, like where you'll stop for toilet breaks and how you're going to get everything in the car when the back seat isn't free. Once you've chosen your destination, look at how you can ensure your journey is as short as possible, and then map out any stops you plan to make along the way. It's also a good idea to make a note of all the places you'll be able to stop if nature suddenly calls. That way, you won't be caught in a panic if your little one decides they really have to go. Packing your car won't be easy, either. Before your kids came along, you could pack everything into the boot, and then the overspill could be moved to the back seat. But, you won't have this luxury anymore. And, the irony is that you'll have more stuff to take with you than ever before. If you're planning to make family trips away a regular thing, we recommend investing in a trailer that attaches to the back of your car could be a great idea.
3) Decide where you're going to stay
A lot of family weekends span a whole weekend so, if you want to enjoy everything there is to offer, it's worth committing to an overnight stay. But, there will be a number of accommodation options for you to consider. Because family festivals are so popular, local hotels do tend to fill up, which means the price per room can go through the roof. Of course, if you enjoy your home comforts and your budget isn't particularly tight, staying in a hotel or B&B is likely to suit you well. But, there's something about staying in a tent that will give your weekend that authentic festival feel. If your little ones have never slept in a tent before, you should help to prepare them for this new adventure. If you can, set up a tent in your garden so that your children get used to sleeping under the stars.
4) Keep them warm and dry
We all know that British weather is unpredictable - a hot summer day can quickly turn into a cold, rainy night. No one likes cold feet and wet clothes! Bring those waterproofs - a protective jacket, trousers and a pair of wellies are a must-have. They will also keep little ones clean as they play outside and, most probably, jump in mud. You can then give the waterproofs a quick wash and they'll be dry in no time. Remember to bring a sleeping bag with a warm, cotton lining and a blanket to make sure little ones have a good night's sleep.
5) Bring ear defenders
Protect children's sensitive ears with good quality ear defenders. They are a life saver as being around loud music for too long can make your children irritable and tired. Noise-induced hearing loss is a real thing - make sure to protect your own ears too!